Mental Health Resolutions

Improve wellness in the coming year by setting some mental health goals

As this year ends it is a good time to take a look at what we want to embrace as we move into the new year. Setting goals for improving your mental health is a great way to improve your overall wellness in the coming year. Starting or setting those goals can often be the hardest part, so we have come up with a list of several things to consider.

Practice gratitude
Jot down or mentally acknowledge a few things you are grateful for every day. Studies have shown that those who record gratitude were happier, more optimistic, and generally felt better about their lives.

Eliminate what causes stress
Stress is a major factor in mental health. While learning how to manage your stress is great—figuring out the root of your stress is the true goal. Once you know what causes your stress you can start to take steps to eliminate or reduce it.

Move your body
Exercise benefits mental health by reducing anxiety and depression by providing an effective way to cope with stress, manage difficult and traumatic memories and improve sleep quality. Huge benefits immediately and over time can be seen by simply taking a walk outside.

Try Something new
Learning a new skill or trying a new hobby can be fun and can help to improve your confidence and self-esteem. Not sure where to start? Consider programs at your local library or ask friends about things they like to do.

Nourish Friendships
Make time to connect and deepen relationships with people in your life that inspire you or nurture your soul. For many, trying something new is easier with a friend, so instead of doing the same old thing, use your time to get out in nature or try something new, together.

Making Resolutions Stick

Start by making a game plan then track and celebrate your progress. Remember to be kind to yourself. Taking steps is not about perfection. Give yourself permission to take a day off from a difficult resolution or forgive yourself if you slip up on a goal. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Acknowledge what happened and get back on track.

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